You Can Do Hard Things!

You can do hard things.
Now and again Carter whines, as 4-year-olds do, over practically anything. Depending on our patience level, we gently remind him that eating green beans isn’t that hard. Or picking up and putting away his cars isn’t that hard. But even if it is difficult for him in that exact moment—we also remind him that he can do hard things. Because we’re a Bible-believing household, I typically quote a familiar scripture passage to reinforce this God-given ability; and I take none of the whining.
But goodness, I want to whine sometimes too! I thought the flurry of the holiday season was over—yet the new calendar year brought its own agenda. One that I did not approve nor ask for. And as I was lamenting over the revolving door of endless to-do lists, I stopped and reminded myself “You can do hard things, Catherine.”
Take comfort in knowing parents aren’t the only household members being stretched—those kiddos feel it every day too. And take comfort in gently encouraging each other to breathe, pace yourselves, and believe in yourselves. We started carter joey with the hopes of owning our time one day. The hope and expectation are that there will be more of an ability to choose how we spend our days. Being active, not busy can be easier said than done. But as we all try to start out the new year right, without whining, let’s try to move the family activities a little higher on our to-do list. Let’s re-center. Let’s reprioritize. Just don’t forget to #beactivenotbusy.
- Catherine

To help you move those family activities little higher on the to-do-list we put together a Winter Bucket List for you! This printable check list has fun activities to keep you active all winter long!