Value #1 Family First

Indulge me in my nerdiness for a moment. As Damon and I shape the carter joey brand and the organization it will become, we are brainstorming its values. What’s important to us? What do we want the team at cj to focus on? Damon is very serious about company values. As someone who’s already created a successful and thriving business, he continually points back to the tenets of CASTUS as a compass, a beacon, a cornerstone.
The premise of the carter joey company is to be together. To be actively together. To be intentionally together. How does this impact employees and the work they will do at carter joey? How do we encourage them to live out this principle? We believe this company can be founded on the belief that employees are more than corporate workers and more than those who just perform a job description. Employees are spouses, fathers, mothers, family members, aunts, uncles and so much more—they are people. How do we encourage them to be who they are first? How do we instill that carter joey comes second?
Value #1: Family First
Well, that was simple.
Does that mean we’ll provide unlimited paid time off so employees can tend to their other priorities? Probably, but that’s not the point. Our hope is that anyone who works on the carter joey brand can feel ownership of both their work and their time. We never want a team member to feel as though they can’t care for their personal situations because of the company they work for. The products they work on are designed for families to be together; shame on us if we don’t give our team the freedom to meet that expectation to spend time with the Littles in their life.
Damon and I will continue to noodle around on the rest of the cj values, and we’ll share more as they’re defined. But the first one was easy as pie to agree to and will never change.
Family will always come first.
- Catherine